Facebook’s Drone Internet Service


Fb CEO mark Zuckerberg confirmed that the new connectivity lab via internet.org, that’s being used for research on bringing the world online. Meanwhile, with fb most of the tech companies joining with the research qualcom, nokia, samsung and more joining with fb. This is going to work like googles balloon. The Connectivity Lab drones, however, are designed to take advantage of solar power, with operations designed for battery power at night., Facebook reportedly purchased drone-maker Titan Aerospace, Zuckerberg intimates that today’s announcement is just the beginning, and that the team still has a long way to go until it can get the world online. After some time we all get the data for free to use fb. So most of them going to use the messaging for Feb messenger and other things what’s app fiber. Fb is build a global network with this drone internet this can be the first step for the future connectivity

WhatsApp Android update – New Payment system


Recently Whats App launched new update, Among a few new privacy-related features, the update also brings with it an interesting new feature that lets users pay for their friends’/families’ subscriptions, regardless of the platform. Now Zuck’s plan letting others to pay their friends, And FB and Wap promoting invitations to new users. For Now there is no plan about Ads in Wap and still Whatsapp Under account under payment info topic, is there about why what’s up, why not promote ads and sometimes ads might slow down the application so has more possibilities user moving to another free app for now plenty of apps are there in the android market.

In related news, WhatsApp is said to get voice calling in the second quarter of this year.